+39 347 0650756
+39 0481 1990638
+39 0432713027
via Celso Macor, 1
34070 Moraro (GO), Italia
The Murva estate wines is located in the Friuli-Venezia-Giulia region, northern Italy, in the province of Gorizia, in the Isonzo plain. It can be reached from the south by taking the A4 (Turin-Trieste) highway, or from the north by the A23 (Tarvisio-Palmanova) highway. For those who know the area but do not know the place, just know that Moraro is located between Gradisca d’Isonzo and Cormons (from south to north) and between Capriva del Friuli and Mariano del Friuli (from east to west). 30 kilometers from Udine, 40 from Trieste and 100 from Venice. For those wishing to arrive by plane can choose three airports: Lubljiana, Trieste Airport, Venice. For those wishing to arrive by train, you can choose two stations: Cervignano del Friuli or Udine (Cormons or Capriva del Friuli station).